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HTTPS Can't Hide This
More InfoHTTPS never hides the website itself, so everybody can see when you visit . And this site looks exactly the same for everybody. So the encryption seems almost pointless. #Why is it pointless?Because this is a static website. Everybody who visits a page sees the exact same thing, so they don’t have to crack your encryption to know what this website looks like.
- internet
- Security
- website
Date Created
Secrets Reward Curiosity
More InfoIn The Secret Life Of Machines, Tim Huchin liked to decorate his hand-made contraptions with fun details. Circuit boards would have little plastic people glued to them to make it look like a little city. Anybody curious enough to peek inside would get a delightful little surprise.
- art
- flash
- winamp
- experiments
- History
- Psychology
- design
- metadata
Date Created
Mastodon Tips
More Info#Adult Friendly ServersBefore the Aethy mastodon server closed, I spent a few days looking for other adult-friendly Mastodon servers. Here’s a list of what I found. Burggit (Allows Loli, Swedish law) (Allows Loli, etc, US laws) (Allows Loli, US laws) freaksonly kinky.
- mastodon
Date Created
Web Rings
I sure wish more artists had their own websit- oh hey! What do we have here??
Link to me?
If you want to link to my website, you can use one of these buttons... or make your own. Whatever works.